What are personalized discounts, and why do customers need them?

Personalized discounts are a form of digital web-based discount that provides discounts to individuals that care about a specific product or brand. These discounts are based on user activity on the web that learns about their interests and provides these individuals discounts that matter to the consumer. 


Personalized discounts are directed to specific users without extra effort from the consumer or the business. Personalized discounts make it easier for consumers to benefit from discounts because classical forms of discounts usually are associated with annoying spam newsletter emails, coupons, and flyers that get distributed. Most of them end up in a corner without being checked. 

personalized discounts

Why do customers need it?

The name speaks for itself, personalized discounts. Meaning that these discounts are specially catered for you. Based on your web-based behavior and preferences, they are made for you as a consumer. By passively adding an extension to your browser, the algorithm interprets your preferences and provides you with discounts over time. 


For example, you are an athlete bodybuilder that frequently browses about gyms in your area, supplements, and clothing gear. Discounts will be personally provided to you from brands that publicly haven’t announced discounts at higher rates than usual. 

You will get personalized discounts about gyms that provide cheaper monthly packages to interested people, supplements that are being sold for cheaper, and equipment with discounts that are not announced publicly. 

personalized discounts

Another example could be that you’re a frequent traveler, so you will be interest to traveling agencies that are providing frequent travelers with personalized discounts, which they won’t generally be announcing to all their customers. 


Basically, according to your web behavior, without watching annoying ads and without getting spam newsletter emails, businesses are providing you with personalized discounts catered specially for you that you can benefit from. 


By adding the pelican extension, you can benefit from all these benefits without getting bothered with ads and newsletters.